
this is our story



This story begun when 3 families decided to highlight the love and care that goes into producing food, and bring it to the customer. They realised that so much can be shared between the farmer and the customer to help turn the ‘supply chain’ into a ‘supply circle’.

Allowing the customer to see directly into how and where their food is being produced, from it’s origin to it’s destination, to create long term relationships and trust.

Allowing the farmer to see the enjoyment that their produce can bring to the customer only reinforces the care and time they put into creating the best food in the world.

These 3 families have searched the world for the best produce that offers sustainability to the environment, the farmer and the consumer.

mission statement

We will produce a fully traceable and sustainable environment for food producers and consumers alike.

We aim to provide complete trust to the customer so that they can be certain they are supporting Australian farmers for the long term.

We seek to find the highest quality food which we stand behind as the best.

We hope that we can help bring people together to share these experiences.